Monday, July 14, 2014

Birthday on a Sunday!!

It seems to me that people do not value how often their birthday falls on a Sunday, or for that matter a weekend - when many friends and relatives get a chance to wish them. So supposing your birthday falls on a Sunday this year, value it and count the number of years you need to wait until your birthday falls on a Sunday again. Do let me know your answers. Mind it, the wait can be long, but it is so worth it.

Now that you would have thought about this problem in your head, here's something that will make you grab a sheet of paper and a pen. If your birthday falls on a weekend, how long should you wait for a birthday on a weekend again? Do post your answer, for this is bound to get interesting!! Count the number of birthdays in a lifetime :)


GreenGirl said...

Mine came on Sunday this year. My answer is 5. It will take 6 years for it to fall on Sunday again but the question is how many years to weekend? In 5 years, my birthday will be on a Saturday. I checked that my birthday next year is on a monday. So, it should progress a day every year and there will be a leap year in-between.

Lavanya said...


Good thinking; however, the answer would depend on how the leap years are positioned. Do not think that your birthday will fall on a Sunday in 6 years. 2020 is a leap year again (apart from leap day in 2016), so your birthday will fall on a Monday :)

Ok GreenGirl (I know who you are), call me now, so I will know who you are for sure.